Early 19th State Bank of Louisiana, Royal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana
Sunset cityscape photograph of the old Louisiana State Bank in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Built in the 1820s by architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe as the home of the Louisiana State Bank. The bank stands at the north west corner of Royal and Conti Streets in the French Quarter. The photograph is from the Conti street side. Founded in 1818, the bank was the first established in the state following its admission to the Union. On the right is the rear elevation of the bank which has the unusual large semi-circular bay and a wrought iron balcony around its curve at the second floor level. The bay has three French doors and looks onto a carriage yard. The brick structures in the center of the image are a later addition. The former carriage house and slave quarters on the left of the image. Shadows of ubiquitous dormered roofs can be seen at the bottom of the photograph.